What’s the price? It’s kind of hard to say because every project is diffrent.

Projects vary from a few hours in the studio for some vocal dubs or a full album production.
So…Please get in touch so we can talk about your project and make a plan that suits your ideas, dreams and budget.

But to get a idea… her is my list prices:
Full day (8h) is 4000kr+moms (25% sales tax). Half day (4h) is 2500kr+moms (25% sales tax)

Contact me via mail at: peter@thefarm-music.com or phone +45 40369339

For Danish artist a lot of funding is available for recording and releasing music.

I’m happy to make offers that you can use in your application. I’ll also be happy to spare and comment on your application. I have for years been fundraising my self…with the occasionally lucky result.

Here is some links for fundraising:

FAQ… and free stuff…

  • I’m happy to listen and comment on demos. Free!
  • If I make substantial changes or contributions to your songs I’ll hope to be credited with KODA or your copyright company accordingly.
  • For solo artist or duo’s its possible to stay at the studio. We have a old playhouse in the garden that is converted into a annex. Inside the studio it’s also possibly to crash at the loft overlooking the control room… for bands I recommend our, almost, neighbor. The house is on Airbnb.
  • Coffee and The is free.
  • All other catering is at your own expense. But let’s talk about it…maybe we’ll cook something up together.
  • The piano is in a general good condition and tuning. If you need to have the piano tuned up for before your session it’s at your expense. I use Henrik Clement from Pianoteket and the cost is around 995dkr+moms.
  • If you want to use our houseband or creative team, let me know and we’ll put together a great package for your project.

The Farm Music

Bækgyden 4, Davinde, 5220 Odense SØ, Danmark